Raspberry PI Para tus proyectos Número uno de ventas en Descuento Especiales Ecuador Construye tu imaginación Con Arduino Número uno en ventas Descuentos Especiales En Ecuador 100% de satisfacciónEn todos nuestros clientesAhorre hasta un 50%En productos seleccionadosRápido envíoA todo el paísDispositivos modernosLas últimas tecnologíasKits para proyectos arduino -7% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – ¡Ven a mí, K.I.T.T.! $19.80 $18.50 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -11% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – Ahora se enciende, ahora se apaga. $18.90 $16.75 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -23% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – ALARMA DE LÁSER BRICOLAJE $25.50 $19.70 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -12% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – Circuito semáforo inteligente con múltiples LEDs y pulsadores $22.00 $19.30 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -19% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – Comprobador pilas con arduino $22.50 $18.30 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -10% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – Construir un cronómetro con Arduino $18.60 $16.65 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -7% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – Construir un detector de movimiento con Arduino y sensor PIR $20.90 $19.50 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -7% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – Detector de incendios $17.60 $16.30 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -23% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – Detector de mentiras arduino $16.30 $12.60 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -22% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – Display 7 segmentos y cómo crear un dado electrónico DIY $22.50 $17.50 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -5% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – LED de activación con contraseña $19.75 $18.85 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -34% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – Máquina de clasificación de monedas $38.40 $25.50 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida Ofertas de la semanaBest Seller -25% 0 out of 5 Cables de conexion para protoboard $0.20 $0.15 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -5% 0 out of 5 Arduino Mini USB Nano V3.0 CH340 Chip Board 5V 16M + Cable $10.00 $9.50 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -8% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – Un piano pequeño con Arduino Nano $13.99 $12.90 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -11% 0 out of 5 Protoboard 830 puntos $4.50 $4.00 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -7% 0 out of 5 Protoboard 400 Puntos $3.50 $3.25 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -25% 0 out of 5 Servomotor 9G $4.00 $3.00 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -15% 0 out of 5 Kit Arduino – Sensor de humedad y temperatura DHT11 con Arduino. $24.00 $20.40 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida -3% 0 out of 5 Arduino UNO + cable + estuche plástico. $18.00 $17.50 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida 0 out of 5 Display Azul 16×2 + IIC I2C $8.50 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist CompareVista rápida 0 out of 5 Módulo Relay 5V $3.00 Añadir al carrito Add to Wishlist Product added! Browse Wishlist The product is already in the wishlist! 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